Welcome to the website of the EAIPCM

About the European Association for Integrative Psychodynamic Coaching and Mentoring

Integrative Psychodynamic Coaching is an innovative approach to coaching, with predominantly psychodynamic orientation. IPCM embraces first and foremost a particular attitude towards the practice of coaching which affirms the importance of a unifying approach to persons. Thus a major focus is on responding appropriately and effectively to the person at the emotional, spiritual, cognitive, behavioural and physiological levels… The basis for the integration of different theoretical frameworks, methods and techniques is provided by a model of basic emotional competences. The IPCM method focuses on two key, complex capabilities: the ability to love and the ability to work. These two complex human capabilities are like  Lego Cubes – composed of a number of smaller, simpler cubes, that we call ‘basic emotional competences’

The European Association for Integrative Psychodynamic Coaching and Mentoring